19 months
Born: 08.11.2016 Breed: Terrier Brasileiro Owner: Kennel Bogaloo's Patella: 0-0 Eyes: Clear Heart: Clear (no bi-sounds) Mps VII: Clear from parents
Meriths: Exc, Cq
This one is all we ever could dream of. She is superhappy, we do call her "our happy pill", but still so soft and gentle. |
Becca September 2018, relaxing by the fireplace
BOB Jyvämäen Boron B
BOS Sofalex Bogaloos Brazil Da Silva
Judge: Pirjo Aaltonen, Fin
10 months
Becca at Eckerö Int.Show
She just loves water, maybe she thinks she is a spaniel?
Always something in her mouth (also like spaniels), this time a flower
8 months old, when "mom" suddenly realised that must also train to stand suddenly
Alfredo do Terra Dona Francisca |
Dado Do Tingui |
Clara Da Terra Da Pituva | |
SwedCh FinCh Regnator Decorus |
Higienopolis Napo |
SwedCh EstCh LvCh Cachaca Do Tropical Beauty |