Sofalex Bogaloos Brazil Da Silva


19 months

Born: 08.11.2016

Breed: Terrier Brasileiro

Owner: Kennel Bogaloo's

Patella: 0-0

Eyes: Clear

Heart: Clear (no bi-sounds)

Mps VII: Clear from parents



Exc, Cq


This one is all we ever could dream of. She is superhappy, we do call her "our happy pill", but still so soft and gentle.
She LOVES field tracking and to play in the sea/water.


Becca September 2018, relaxing by the fireplace

BOB Jyvämäen Boron B
BOS Sofalex Bogaloos Brazil Da Silva
Judge: Pirjo Aaltonen, Fin

10 months

Becca at Eckerö Int.Show

She just loves water, maybe she thinks she is a spaniel?

Always something in her mouth (also like spaniels), this time a flower

8 months old, when "mom" suddenly realised that must also train to stand suddenly


Alfredo do Terra Dona Francisca

Dado Do Tingui
Clara Da Terra Da Pituva
SwedCh FinCh
Regnator Decorus
Higienopolis Napo
SwedCh EstCh LvCh
Cachaca Do Tropical Beauty



English Springer Spaniels since 1990
Terrier Brasileiro since 2017
Placed in the beutiful archipelago Aaland Islands


Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (358) 408098900
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Berghamnsvägen 738 AX-22240 Hammarland Åland, Finland